Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Activities in 2008

Summary: At AJOLLY testing, we’ve crafted a generic software architecture and associated training to boost factory efficiency. Integrating LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI into TestStand, we’ve enabled database communications now deployed in multiple plants. Our expertise spans C, LabWindows/CVI, LabVIEW, and Measurement Studio C#. Additionally, we’ve created a comprehensive 350-point test bench for evaluating the aging of electronic components, showcasing our dedication to advancing professional electronic testing solutions.

In 2008, AJOLLY Testing marked significant milestones in the innovation of testing and measurement processes. Our projects encompassed the creation of a generic software architecture and the associated training, enhancing the efficiency of production facilities. Furthermore, we developed an advanced testing rig for the durability assessment of electronic components. These initiatives, utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as LabVIEW and GPIB, underscore our unwavering commitment to excellence and our substantial impact on advancing the industry.

  • Analysis, Development, and Training on a Generic Software Architecture Based on TestStand:
    • We have established development guidelines to integrate LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI components into the TestStand architecture and specified communications with the database. The results of this study are now utilized in various production plants.
    • The techniques involved include the C language, LabWindows/CVI, LabVIEW, and Measurement Studio C#.
  • Development of a Test Bench for Measuring the Aging of Electronic Boards and Their Components:
    • This test bench conducts 350 measurement points, ranging from one minute to several months, to assess the aging of electronic components.
    • The technologies employed for this project are LabVIEW, GPIB, megohmmeter, Pickering chassis, and a switching matrix.

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