Saturday, December 30, 2006

Activities in 2006

Summary: we developed an error code analysis software for onboard computers used in Airbus, Boeing, and Embraer aircraft, utilizing C, LabWindows/CVI, RS422, and CAN. From 2006 to 2012, the company provided training on LabVIEW, TestStand, LabWindows/CVI, and Measurement Studio for C# and Visual Basic.NET, catering to various sectors such as automotive, aeronautics, aerospace, instrumentation, telecommunications, armaments, medical instrumentation, marine research, sensors, rail transport, and electronic engineering.

In 2006, AJOLLY Testing demonstrated its technical expertise by contributing to the aerospace industry through the development of software solutions for analyzing error codes in onboard computers of Boeing, Airbus, and Embraer aircraft. This initiative required a deep understanding of the C language and the LabWindows/CVI environment, highlighting the company's ability to meet the complex needs of prestigious clients. Furthermore, AJOLLY Testing shared its expertise through specialized training, covering a range of development and testing tools, addressing a spectrum of industrial sectors from automotive to electronics, including aerospace and marine research, thus demonstrating its commitment to technological progress and operational excellence.

  • Software Development for Onboard Computer Error Code Analysis (Airbus, Boeing, and Embraer)
    • AJOLLY Testing developed advanced software for analyzing error codes in the onboard computers of Airbus, Boeing, and Embraer aircraft. This ambitious project required proficiency in C, LabWindows/CVI, RS422, and CAN to provide a precise and efficient solution for diagnosing aeronautical systems.
  • Professional Training in Programming and Instrumentation Technologies (2006-2012)
    • From 2006 to 2012, we offered specialized training in LabVIEW, TestStand, LabWindows/CVI, as well as Measurement Studio for C# and Visual Basic.NET. These courses were aimed at professionals from various sectors such as automotive, aeronautics, aerospace, instrumentation, telecommunications, armaments, medical instrumentation, marine study and research, sensors, rail transport, and electronic engineering, thereby contributing to the enhancement of their essential technical skills.

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